Newsletter de Vigilància Tecnològica
Projecte d'especialització i competitivitat territorial (PECT) emmarcat en la RIS3CAT i el PO FEDER de Catalunya 2012-2020.
El PECT "HubB30, més enllà de la circularitat" és una experiència pilot focalitzada en el Residu Zero que ha de permetre dissenyar la metodologia, l'estructura òptima i el espais per implementar un nou model d’interacció entre els diferents actors de la Quàdruple Hèlix (universitats i centres de recerca; administracions; empreses; ciutadania) i els processos d’innovació oberta.
Aquesta activitat s’emmarca dins de l’operació 7: Observatori “HUBB30 Residu 0”, i té per objectiu mostrar les iniciatives i els avenços tecnològics relacionats amb l’economia circular en aquells sectors on la Comissió Europea marca mesures concretes, segons s’indica en el Pla d’acció per la economia circular.
El projecte està coordinat per l’Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès, participat activament per l'Ajuntament de Mollet del Vallès, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, el Parc de Recerca de la UAB, Fundació Eurecat i Esade, i compta amb el suport de l'àmbit B30.
BURT – which stands for ‘Borrow, Use, Reuse, Take Back’ – will utilise innovative digital technology, seeking to shift consumer behaviour towards reuse.The trial launches today (30 September), the day before International Coffee Day (1 October), across 14 stores in Glasgow, the home of COP26, and will last for six months.Costa Coffee will be using the trial to gain feedback from customers and learn about uptake and behaviour towards reusable cups.It will then use its findings to ‘optimise and develop’ a scheme that will roll out more widely across the UK in phases, it says.
Científicos del Instituto Andaluz de Investigación en Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) de la Universidad de Granada (UGR), junto a la compañía Ferrovial y la Real Academia de la Ingeniería (RAI), han realizado un estudio para analizar cómo la ingeniería y la implantación de soluciones tecnológicas fuertemente ancladas en la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) pueden favorecer el desarrollo de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Con el fin de proteger el planeta y asegurar la prosperidad para todas las personas, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) ha establecido los 17 ODS. Estos constituyen un cambio de paradigma para las empresas y gobiernos en el diseño de nuevos modelos de negocio y políticas públicas basadas en la sostenibilidad. Gobiernos, sector privado y sociedad civil tienen un importante rol al respecto.
Recognizing that the coming wave of scrapped batteries can be a gold mine for the raw materials needed to make new batteries, Ford inked a deal investing $50 in battery recycler Redwood Materials. Well, if not a gold mine, at least a nickel, cobalt, lithium, and copper mine. Redwood says its recycle technology recovers more than 95 percent of these materials from discarded batteries. That’s not just electric car batteries, but batteries from cell phones, laptops, and other consumer electronic devices that use lithium-ion batteries. As the generation of new and planned EVs reaches customers, the wave of batteries that need to be disposed of will grow to a tsunami.
Uns serveis que s'afegirien als de les bicicletes metropolitanes, que ja han rebut l'aval de l'ATM, o dels patinets elèctrics, que també ambicionen gestionar.Ja fa temps que TMB estudia la possibilitat de posar en marxa serveis de mobilitat sostenible, com els patinets elèctrics, i ara ha anunciat que aspira a gestionar un servei de vehicles (cotxes i motos) compartits, semblant al “carsharing” o cotxe multiusuari. Seria un servei metropolità, però, de moment no n’han transcendit més detalls.Ho ha anunciat la presidenta de TMB i regidora de Mobilitat, Rosa Alarcón, durant la presentació del Pla estratègic de l’empresa previst fins al 2025.
Nestlé Mexico has signed an agreement – it’s first outside of Europe – with UK-based company Greenback Recycling Technologies to build a chemical recycling plant capable of processing flexible plastic packaging in Mexico.The plant will address the challenge of recycling post-consumer plastic waste in the country and help to implement a circular economy for plastic packaging.The agreement targets plastic packaging not currently recycled, including multilayer flexible and aluminium-laminated plastics, and aims to meet the technical and commercial requirements to ensure the circularity of food-grade plastics.
Una de las consecuencias del parón a nivel global que ha supuesto ha sido una considerable mejora de la calidad del aire medioambiental. Ésta ha mejorado significativamente en las ciudades de todo el mundo, la contaminación del agua y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero también se han reducido y el sistema ecológico se ha dado un merecido respiro al disminuir la presión sobre los destinos turísticos durante el pasado año. Aunque totalmente inesperada, la oportunidad de un punto de inflexión en nuestros esfuerzos medioambientales globales parece haberse presentado por sí misma, en un momento en el que muchas empresas se habrán visto obligadas a frenar, reestructurar y considerar sus prácticas de trabajo.
Feltwood,a Spanish-based startup producing low-cost, biodegradable, mouldable, recyclable and compostable alternatives to materials and products developed from vegetal waste, has closed its seed funding round of €1.2 million, with EIT Food as a major investor, and Viscofan, the international leader in casings for food products, among other investors. The funding round closure will support Feltwood as they continue to scale in Europe and create industrial sized production plants. Feltwood joined the EIT Food community in July 2020 as a beneficiary of EIT Food’s COVID-19 Bridge Fund which supported startups and scaleups with high-impact and growth potential that were adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Lidl GB has announced a series of new initiatives as part of its REset Plastic strategy, which sets out to eliminate the supermarket’s plastic waste.It has confirmed plans to replace all single use fruit and vegetable plastic bags with compostable bags. This in-store change will result in the removal of 275 tonnes of conventional single use plastic, the supermarket says.It says the compostable bags are designed to be re-used as caddy liners for domestic food waste collections and are also suitable for home-composting.As well as the new compostable bags, Lidl is also launching a trial plastic bag and wrapping recycling scheme across 12 stores in the West Midlands, with a plan to expand the scheme nationwide if successful.
Polyester clothes made from recycled plastic bottles are ‘adding to fashion’s waste crisis’ and ‘flooding the natural environment with plastics’, according to campaigners.The Changing Markets Foundation with plastic pollution campaigning organisation City to Sea myth says the use of recycled bottles for clothing is an environmentally ‘destructive’ practice that also allows brands to ‘greenwash their collections’.High-street retailer H&M reported that 90% of its recycled polyester comes from single-use plastic bottles while most companies (85%) examined indicated they aim to achieve their recycled polyester targets by using polyester from downcycled PET bottles.
Originally developed in the late 1950s, the well-known Chinook CH-47 is among the heaviest lifting helicopters in operation today.“The CH-47 inlets exemplify our strong history of supporting defense programs for major OEMs like Boeing,” said Shawn Hawks, general manager, Kaman Composites – Wichita. “We have a dedicated and highly experienced workforce, including many who have been here since this program’s inception more than 30 years ago. They take a tremendous amount of pride in their work on this program.
Climate change continues to reshape our world in unpleasant ways. For example, global warming leads to an increase in extreme weather conditions that include unusually intense heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, blizzards, and rainstorms. But cutting down on the production of cement may help. According to NASA studies, human activities (primarily the burning of fossil fuels) have fundamentally increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere, warming the planet. Greenhouse gas emissions include CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, and other gases. These gases are released by many different types of activity – not just the burning of fossil fuels but also farming, deforestation, and some industrial processes.
Liderado por la Universidad de Sevilla, el proyecto de investigación europeo Circular BIM se centra en dos conceptos principales: el reciclaje de materiales de construcción y tecnologías BIM. Participan entidades de España, Portugal y Rumanía, y el objetivo es crear una solución innovadora de planificación que permita encontrar soluciones para fomentar la economía circular y reducir el impacto ambiental que genera el sector de la construcción.
Aliments, aigua i nutrients
Pret A Manger and surplus food app, Too Good To Go, have announced a joint partnership following a successful trial across 30 shops.The partnership means that every Pret shop that sells hot food is now live on the Too Good To Go app. All Magic Bags purchased through the app will be entirely made up of unsold hot food items, which are not able to be redistributed through The Pret Foundation to local charities and communities.Pret says it is committed to helping those most in need by donating unsold items when shops close each evening. What started as just a handful of sandwiches has now grown to over 7 million food items globally in 2020.
Robots powered by artificial intelligence could farm more sustainably than traditional agriculture, claims one Silicon Valley company. Agricultural technology start-up Iron Ox says that its mission is to make the global agriculture sector carbon negative. And they have just secured €47 million ($53 million) from investors including Bill Gates. CEO Brandon Alexander can't be accused of lacking experience when it comes to food production. He spent every summer of his childhood on his grandparent’s farm, picking cotton, potatoes, or peanuts under the Texas sun.
El proyecto CityLoops, financiado con fondos europeos, está poniendo a prueba una serie de medidas para cerrar el círculo de dos de los principales flujos de residuos de Europa: los biorresiduos y los residuos de construcción y demolición. Cerca del 50 % de los residuos generados en todo el mundo proceden de las ciudades, y los expertos creen que esta cifra es aún mayor en Europa. El proyecto se centra en varias ciudades europeas por una razón sencilla. Si bien las ciudades pueden ser los mayores consumidores de energía y materiales, también tienen la capacidad de gestionar los recursos mejor y de un modo más eficiente, por lo que podrían liderar la transición hacia una economía circular.
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a digital recycling tool to help combat ‘confusion’ and to meet Scottish recycling targets.This Recycle Week (20-26 September 2021), Zero Waste Scotland is launching the first ever ‘Recycling Sorter’. The digital recycling tool will allow Scots to search what items can be recycled, and in which bin, in any Scottish local authority.Almost half of Scots admit that they could increase the amount of recycling they do, and many suffer from recycling confusion at some point during the process, according to Zero Waste Scotland.